Matador Test Automation Solutions
The Matador QA System™ is a robust test automation solution that can be applied to a variety of testing challenges. While Matador provides a generic testing framework that enhances testing productivity with different methodologies, it is flexible and powerful to solve complex testing challenges. / read more /
While testing is a horizontal discipline, and The Matador QA System™ supports complex integrated environments regardless of industry. Matador has built on our generic solution to solve the unique challenges, technologies, and data formats specific to several industry verticals. / read more /
What's New in Test Automation?
Understand how the market for test automation tools is changing. The Matador QA System™ automates types of testing that had proven difficult to automate with traditional test automation tools. Matador does not make the current tools obsolete, instead it combines the power of existing test assets (homegrown or off-the-shelf) with Matador's new capabilities for a comprehensive test automation solution. / read more /
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